The picture you see has something unusual. The crucial element of the frame are anemones, but your attention will be sooner or later drawn by the background. Many popular lenses, especially portrait ones like Nikkor 50 f1.8 produce background (called bokeh) in the form of rings, but here they stick together like a chain.
This is an effect of using projector lens Diaplan 80 f2.8 and finding a place where the sun shined through bushes. This lens is a cheaper equivalent of the famed Trioplan 100 f 2.8 and gives almost the same effects. Diaplan wins with Trioplan in flexibility of use and 3-times lower price. The rings that “produces” in a background are however not so sharp and clear as Trioplan 100 does.
Remember to buy it with helicoid, which allows to focus with a lens, that posses no regulation system and the aperture.
See you till next part.