Child Category I

The unknown power of projector lenses – Short photo lesson no 1

The picture you see has something unusual. The crucial element of the frame are anemones, but your attention will be sooner or later drawn by

Child Category II

Super macro mode – marketing bullshit or useful feature?

Almost every point and shoot camera has so called super macro mode activated by clicking the button with a flower on. Photographers in many publication

Child Category III

A Simple Text Post

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed eleifend urna eu sapien. Quisque posuere nunc eu massa. Praesent bibendum lorem non leo. Morbi volutpat,

The world in a Christmas ball” – Short photo lesson #2

If you are a photographer you have probably already used a technique which consist in taking pictures of  reflection of the object. This concerns mainly
